
Homes in Hattiesburg, MS for Sale

There are many homes in Hattiesburg MS for sale. At B & Co. Realty, we have a complete list of homes for sale in Hattiesburg, MS that we update hourly. Here you can view listing photos, check out sales history, and read all the details about properties until you find your dream home. If you need additional help, don’t forget that we have plenty of native Hattiesburg real estate agents that can assist you with all of your real estate needs.

homes in hattiesburg, ms for sale
Image property of B & Co. Realty

About Hattiesburg, MS

Hattiesburg, MS has a population of 46,000 people with an average income of $52,000. Located at the crossroads of six major US highways, Hattiesburg is commonly referred to as “Hub City.” With a thriving historic downtown district, Hattiesburg celebrates and preserves its history with well-preserved historic homes and a rich culture surrounding its spot on The Blues Trail. Hattiesburg has a rich history which shapes the city into what it is today. To read more about what Hattiesburg has to offer, click here

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